This is the built-in router for Redwood apps. It takes inspiration from Ruby on Rails, React Router, and Reach Router, but is very opinionated in its own way.
The router is designed to list all routes in a single file, with limited nesting. We prefer this design, as it makes it very easy to track which routes map to which pages.
Router and Route
The first thing you need is a Router
. It will contain all of your routes. The router will attempt to match the current URL to each route in turn, and only render those with a matching path
. The only exception to this is the notfound
route, which can be placed anywhere in the list and only matches when no other routes do.
route can't be nested in a Set
If you want to wrap your custom notfound page in a Layout
, then you should add the Layout
to the page instead. See customizing the NotFoundPage.
Each route is specified with a Route
. Our first route will tell the router what to render when no other route matches:
import { Router, Route } from '@redwoodjs/router'
const Routes = () => (
<Route notfound page={NotFoundPage} />
export default Routes
The router expects a single Route
with a notfound
prop. When no other route is found to match, the component in the page
prop will be rendered.
To create a route to a normal Page, you'll pass three props: path
, page
, and name
<Route path="/" page={HomePage} name="home" />
The path
prop specifies the URL path to match, starting with the beginning slash. The page
prop specifies the Page component to render when the path is matched. The name
prop is used to specify the name of the named route function.
Private Routes
Some pages should only be visible to authenticated users.
We support this using private <PrivateSet>
component. Read more further down.
Sets of Routes
You can group Routes into sets using the Set
component. Set
allows you to wrap a set of Routes in another component or array of components—usually a Context, a Layout, or both:
import { Router, Route, Set } from '@redwoodjs/router'
import BlogContext from 'src/contexts/BlogContext'
import BlogLayout from 'src/layouts/BlogLayout'
const Routes = () => {
return (
<Set wrap={[BlogContext, BlogLayout]}>
<Route path="/" page={HomePage} name="home" />
<Route path="/about" page={AboutPage} name="about" />
<Route path="/contact" page={ContactPage} name="contact" />
<Route path="/blog-post/{id:Int}" page={BlogPostPage} name="blogPost" />
export default Routes
The wrap
prop accepts a single component or an array of components. Components are rendered in the same order they're passed, so in the example above, Set expands to:
<Route path="/" page={HomePage} name="home" />
// ...
Conceptually, this fits with how we think about Context and Layouts as things that wrap Pages and contain content that’s outside the scope of the Pages themselves. Crucially, since they're higher in the tree, BlogContext
and BlogLayout
won't rerender across Pages in the same Set.
There's a lot of flexibility here. You can even nest Sets
to great effect:
import { Router, Route, Set, Private } from '@redwoodjs/router'
import BlogContext from 'src/contexts/BlogContext'
import BlogLayout from 'src/layouts/BlogLayout'
import BlogNavLayout from 'src/layouts/BlogNavLayout'
const Routes = () => {
return (
<Set wrap={[BlogContext, BlogLayout]}>
<Route path="/" page={HomePage} name="home" />
<Route path="/about" page={AboutPage} name="about" />
<Route path="/contact" page={ContactPage} name="contact" />
<Set wrap={BlogNavLayout}>
<Route path="/blog-post/{id:Int}" page={BlogPostPage} name="blogPost" />
Forwarding props
All props you give to <Set>
(except for wrap
) will be passed to the wrapper components.
So this...
<Set wrap={MainLayout} theme="dark">
<Route path="/" page={HomePage} name="home" />
<MainLayout theme="dark">
<Route path="/" page={HomePage} name="home" />
Sets can take a private
prop which makes all Routes inside that Set require authentication. When a user isn't authenticated and attempts to visit one of the Routes in the private Set, they'll be redirected to the Route passed as the Set's unauthenticated
prop. The originally-requested Route's path is added to the query string as a redirectTo
param. This lets you send the user to the page they originally requested once they're logged-in.
Here's an example of how you'd use a private set:
<Route path="/" page={HomePage} name="home" />
<Set private unauthenticated="home">
<Route path="/admin" page={AdminPage} name="admin" />
Private routes are important and should be easy to spot in your Routes file. The larger your Routes file gets, the more difficult it will probably become to find <Set private /*...*/>
among your other Sets. So we also provide a <PrivateSet>
component that's just an alias for <Set private /*...*/>
. Most of our documentation uses <PrivateSet>
Here's the same example again, but now using <PrivateSet>
<Route path="/" page={HomePage} name="home" />
<PrivateSet unauthenticated="home">
<Route path="/admin" page={AdminPage} name="admin" />
For more fine-grained control, you can specify roles
(which takes a string for a single role or an array of roles), and the router will check to see that the current user is authorized before giving them access to the Route. If they're not, they will be redirected to the page specified in the unauthenticated
prop, such as a "forbidden" page. Read more about Role-based Access Control in Redwood here.
To protect PrivateSet
routes for access by a single role:
<PrivateSet unauthenticated="forbidden" roles="admin">
<Route path="/admin/users" page={UsersPage} name="users" />
<Route path="/forbidden" page={ForbiddenPage} name="forbidden" />
To protect PrivateSet
routes for access by multiple roles:
<PrivateSet unauthenticated="forbidden" roles={['admin', 'editor', 'publisher']}>
<Route path="/admin/posts/{id:Int}/edit" page={EditPostPage} name="editPost" />
<Route path="/forbidden" page={ForbiddenPage} name="forbidden" />
Redwood uses the useAuth
hook under the hood to determine if the user is authenticated. Read more about authentication in Redwood here.
Link and named route functions
When it comes to routing, matching URLs to Pages is only half the equation. The other half is generating links to your pages. The router makes this really simple without having to hardcode URL paths. In a Page component, you can do this (only relevant bits are shown in code samples from now on):
import { Link, routes } from '@redwoodjs/router'
// Given the route in the last section, this produces: <a href="/">
const SomePage = () => <Link to={routes.home()} />
You use a Link
to generate a link to one of your routes and can access URL generators for any of your routes from the routes
object. We call the functions on the routes
object named route functions and they are named after whatever you specify in the name
prop of the Route
Named route functions simply return a string, so you can still pass in hardcoded strings to the to
prop of the Link
component, but using the proper named route function is easier and safer. Plus, if you ever decide to change the path
of a route, you don't need to change any of the Link
s to it (as long as you keep the name
the same)!
Active links
is a special version of Link
that will add an activeClassName
to the rendered element when it matches exactly the current URL.
import { NavLink, routes } from '@redwoodjs/router'
// Will render <a className="link activeLink" {}> respectively when on the page
const MainMenu = () =>
<!-- When match "/" -->
<!-- When match "/?tab=tutorial" (params order insensitive) -->
to={routes.home({ tab: 'tutorial' })}>
Home > Tutorial
Alternatively, you can add the activeMatchParams
prop to your NavLink
to match the current URL partially
import { NavLink, routes } from '@redwoodjs/router'
// Will render <a href="/?tab=tutorial&page=2" className="link activeLink"> when on any of Home tutorial pages
const MainMenu = () => (
activeMatchParams={[{ tab: 'tutorial' }]}
to={routes.home({ tab: 'tutorial', page: '2' })}
Home > Tutorial
is an array ofstring
(key only) orRecord<string, any>
(key and value)
More granular match, page
key only and tab=tutorial
// Match /?tab=tutorial&page=*
activeMatchParams={[{ tab: 'tutorial' }, 'page' ]}
You can useMatch
to create your own component with active styles.
uses it internally!
import { Link, routes, useMatch } from '@redwoodjs/router'
const CustomLink = ({ to, }) => {
const matchInfo = useMatch(to)
return <SomeStyledComponent as={Link} to={to} isActive={matchInfo.match} />
const MainMenu = () => {
return <CustomLink to={routes.about()} />
accepts searchParams
in the options
for matching granularity which is exactly the same as activeMatchParams
of NavLink
import { Link, routes, useMatch } from '@redwoodjs/router'
const CustomLink = ({ to, }) => {
const matchInfo = useMatch(to, { searchParams: [{ tab: 'tutorial' }, 'page'] })
return <SomeStyledComponent as={Link} to={to} isActive={matchInfo.match} />
Route parameters
To match variable data in a path, you can use route parameters, which are specified by a parameter name surrounded by curly braces:
<Route path="/user/{id}>" page={UserPage} name="user" />
This route will match URLs like /user/7
or /user/mojombo
. You can have as many route parameters as you like:
<Route path="/blog/{year}/{month}/{day}/{slug}" page={PostPage} name="post" />
By default, route parameters will match up to the next slash or end-of-string. Once extracted, the route parameters are sent as props to the Page component. In the 2nd example above, you can receive them like so:
const PostPage = ({ year, month, day, slug }) => { ... }
Named route functions with parameters
If a route has route parameters, then its named route function will take an object of those same parameters as an argument:
<Link to={routes.user({ id: 7 })}>...</Link>
All parameters will be converted to strings before being inserted into the generated URL. If you don't like the default JavaScript behavior of how this conversion happens, make sure to convert to a string before passing it into the named route function.
If you specify parameters to the named route function that do not correspond to parameters defined on the route, they will be appended to the end of the generated URL as search params in key=val
<Link to={routes.users({ sort: 'desc', filter: 'all' })}>...</Link>
// => "/users?sort=desc&filter=all"
Route parameter types
Route parameters are extracted as strings by default, but they will often represent typed data. The router offers a convenient way to auto-convert certain types right in the path
<Route path="/user/{id:Int}" page={UserPage} name="user" />
By adding :Int
onto the route parameter, you are telling the router to only match /\d+/
and then use Number()
to convert the parameter into a number. Now, instead of a string being sent to the Page, a number will be sent! This means you could have both a route that matches numeric user IDs and a route that matches string IDs:
<Route path="/user/{id:Int}" page={UserIntPage} name="userInt" />
<Route path="/user/{id}" page={UserStringPage} name="userString" />
Now, if a request for /user/mojombo
comes in, it will fail to match the first route, but will succeed in matching the second.
Core route parameter types
We call built-in parameter types core parameter types. All core parameter types begin with a capital letter. Here are the types:
- Matches and converts an integer.Float
- Matches and converts a Float.Boolean
- Matches and converts Boolean (true or false only)
Note on TypeScript support Redwood will automatically generate types for your named routes, but you do have to run
yarn redwood dev
oryarn redwood build
at least once for yourRoutes.ts
to be parsed
Glob Type
There is one more core type that is a bit different: the glob type. Instead of matching to the next /
or the end of the string, it will greedily match as much as possible (including /
characters) and capture the match as a string.
<Route path="/file/{filePath...}" page={FilePage} name="file" />
In this example, we want to take everything after /file/
and have it sent to the Page as filePath
. So for the path /file/api/src/lib/auth.js
, filePath
would contain api/src/lib/auth.js
You can use multiple globs in your paths:
<Route path="/from/{fromDate...}/to/{toDate...}" page={DatePage} name="dateRange" />
This will match a path like /from/2021/11/03/to/2021/11/17
. Note that for this to work, there must be some static string between the globs so the router can determine where the boundaries of the matches should be.
User route parameter types
The router goes even further, allowing you to define your own route parameter types. Your custom types must begin with a lowercase letter. You can specify them like so:
const userRouteParamTypes = {
slug: {
match: /\w+-\w+/,
parse: (param) => param.split('-'),
<Router paramTypes={userRouteParamTypes}>
<Route path="/post/{name:slug}" page={PostPage} name={post} />
Here we've created a custom slug
route parameter type. It is defined by match
and parse
. Both are optional; the default match
regexp is /[^/]+/
and the default parse
function is (param) => param
In the route we've specified a route parameter of {name:slug}
which will invoke our custom route parameter type and if we have a request for /post/redwood-router
, the resulting name
prop delivered to PostPage
will be ['redwood', 'router']
Trailing slashes
The router by default removes all trailing slashes before attempting to match the route you are trying to navigate to.
For example, if you attempt to navigate to /about
and you enter /about/
, the router will remove the trailing /
and will match path="/about"
There are 3 values that can be used with the trailingSlashes
- never (default): strips trailing slashes before matching ("/about/" -> "/about")
- always: always adds trailing slashes before matching ("/about" -> "/about/")
- preserve -> paths without a slash won't match paths with a slash ("/about" -> "/about", "/about/" -> "/about/")
If you need to match trailing slashes exactly, use the preserve
In the following example, /about/
will not match /about
and you will be sent to the NotFoundPage
<Router trailingSlashes={'preserve'}>
<Route path="/" page={HomePage} name="home" />
<Route path="/about" page={AboutPage} name="about" />
<Route notfound page={NotFoundPage} />
Sometimes it's convenient to receive route parameters as the props to the Page, but in the case where a deeply nested component needs access to the route parameters, it quickly becomes tedious to pass those props through every intervening component. The router solves this with the useParams
import { useParams } from '@redwoodjs/router'
const SomeDeeplyNestedComponent = () => {
const { id } = useParams()
In the above example, we've pulled in the id
route parameter without needing to have it passed in to us from anywhere.
If you'd like to get access to the current URL, useLocation
returns a read-only location object representing it. The location object has three properties, pathname, search, and hash, that update when the URL changes. This makes it easy to fire off navigation side effects or use the URL as if it were state:
import { useLocation } from '@redwoodjs/router'
const App = () => {
const { pathname, search, hash } = useLocation()
// log the URL when the pathname changes
React.useEffect(() => {
}, [pathname])
// initiate a query state with the search val
const [query, setQuery] = React.useState(search)
// conditionally render based on hash
if (hash === '#ping') {
return <Pong />
return <>...</>
If you'd like to programmatically navigate to a different page, you can simply use the navigate
import { navigate, routes } from '@redwoodjs/router'
const SomePage = () => {
const onSomeAction = () => {
The browser keeps track of the browsing history in a stack. By default when you navigate to a new page a new item is pushed to the history stack. But sometimes you want to replace the top item on the stack instead of appending to the stack. This is how you do that in Redwood: navigate(routes.home(), { replace: true })
. As you can see you need to pass an options object as the second parameter to navigate
with the option replace
set to true
Going back is as easy as using the back()
function that's exported from the router.
import { back } from '@redwoodjs/router'
const SomePage = () => {
const onSomeAction = () => {
If you want to declaratively redirect to a different page, use the <Redirect>
In the example below, SomePage will redirect to the home page.
import { Redirect, routes } from '@redwoodjs/router'
const SomePage = () => <Redirect to={routes.home()} />
In addition to the to
prop, <Redirect />
also takes an options
prop. This is the same as navigate()
's second argument: navigate(_, { replace: true })
. We can use it to replace the top item of the browser history stack (instead of pushing a new one). This is how you use it to have this effect: <Redirect to={routes.home()} options={{ replace: true }}/>
By default, the router will code-split on every Page, creating a separate lazy-loaded bundle for each. When navigating from page to page, the router will wait until the new Page module is loaded before re-rendering, thus preventing the "white-flash" effect.
Not code splitting
If you'd like to override the default lazy-loading behavior and include certain Pages in the main bundle, you can simply add the import statement to the Routes.js
import HomePage from 'src/pages/HomePage'
Redwood will detect your explicit import and refrain from splitting that page into a separate bundle. Be careful with this feature, as you can easily bloat the size of your main bundle to the point where your initial page load time becomes unacceptable.
Page loaders & PageLoadingContext
Loader while page chunks load
Because lazily-loaded pages can take a non-negligible amount of time to load (depending on bundle size and network connection), you may want to show a loading indicator to signal to the user that something is happening after they click a link.
In order to show a loader as your page chunks are loading, you simply add the whileLoadingPage
prop to your route, Set
or Private
import SkeletonLoader from 'src/components/SkeletonLoader'
<Set whileLoadingPage={SkeletonLoader}>
<Route path="/contact" page={ContactPage} name="contact" />
<Route path="/about" page={AboutPage} name="about" />
After adding this to your app you will probably not see it when navigating between pages. This is because having a loading indicator is nice, but can get annoying when it shows up every single time you navigate to a new page. In fact, this behavior makes it feel like your pages take even longer to load than they actually do! The router takes this into account and, by default, will only show the loader when it takes more than 1000 milliseconds for the page to load. You can change this to whatever you like with the pageLoadingDelay
prop on Router
<Router pageLoadingDelay={500}>...</Router>
Now the loader will show up after 500ms of load time. To see your loading indicator, you can set this value to 0 or, even better, change the network speed in developer tools to "Slow 3G" or another agonizingly slow connection speed.
Using PageLoadingContext
An alternative way to implement whileLoadingPage is to use usePageLoadingContext
VIDEO: If you'd prefer to watch a video, there's one accompanying this section:
import { usePageLoadingContext } from '@redwoodjs/router'
const SomeLayout = (props) => {
const { loading } = usePageLoadingContext()
return (
{loading && <div>Loading...</div>}
When the lazy-loaded page is loading, PageLoadingContext.Consumer
will pass { loading: true }
to the render function, or false otherwise. You can use this context wherever you like in your application!
Loader while auth details are being retrieved
Let's say you have a dashboard area on your Redwood app, which can only be accessed after logging in. When Redwood Router renders your private page, it will first fetch the user's details, and only render the page if it determines the user is indeed logged in.
In order to display a loader while auth details are being retrieved you can add the whileLoadingAuth
prop to your private <Route>
, <PrivateSet>
whileLoadingAuth={SkeletonLoader} //<-- auth loader
whileLoadingPage={SkeletonLoader} // <-- page chunk loader
<Route path="/dashboard" page={DashboardHomePage} name="dashboard" />
{/* other routes */}
Every Redwood project ships with a default FatalErrorPage
located in web/src/pages/FatalErrorPage
This page gets rendered when an error makes its way all the way to the top of your app without being handled by a catch block or a React error boundary.
Note that this page behaves differently in development than in production.
In Development
In development, the FatalErrorPage
provides helpful debugging information about the error and any GraphQL request that's involved.
For example, if there's a missing component that's causing an error, this's what you'll see:
Or if the variable passed as a prop to a component can't be found:
And if the page has a Cell, you'll see the Cell's request and response which may have contributed to the error:
In Production
By default, the FatalErrorPage
in production is barebones:
Customizing the FatalErrorPage
You can customize the production FatalErrorPage
, but it's important to keep things simple to avoid the possibility that it'll cause its own error.
If it does, the router still renders a generic error page, but your users will appreciate something a bit more thoughtful:
import { Link, routes } from '@redwoodjs/router'
// ...
export default RedwoodDevFatalErrorPage ||
(() => (
<div className="bg-white min-h-full px-4 py-16 sm:px-6 sm:py-24 md:grid md:place-items-center lg:px-8">
<div className="max-w-max mx-auto">
<main className="sm:flex">
<p className="text-4xl font-extrabold text-blue-600 sm:text-5xl">
🤦♂️ Oops.
<div className="sm:ml-6">
<div className="sm:border-l sm:border-gray-200 sm:pl-6">
<h1 className="text-4xl font-extrabold text-gray-900 tracking-tight sm:text-5xl">
Something went wrong
<p className="mt-1 text-base text-gray-500">
Sorry about that. Please contact support for help.
<div className="mt-10 flex space-x-3 sm:border-l sm:border-transparent sm:pl-6">
className="inline-flex items-center px-4 py-2 border border-transparent text-sm font-medium rounded-md shadow-sm text-white bg-blue-600 hover:bg-blue-700 focus:outline-none focus:ring-2 focus:ring-offset-2 focus:ring-blue-500"
className="inline-flex items-center px-4 py-2 border border-transparent text-sm font-medium rounded-md text-blue-700 bg-blue-100 hover:bg-blue-200 focus:outline-none focus:ring-2 focus:ring-offset-2 focus:ring-blue-500"
Contact Support
Note that if you're copy-pasting this example, it uses Tailwind CSS, so you'll have to set that up first. See the setup ui CLI command to add it to your project.
As it's part of the RedwoodJS framework, you can't. But if there's a feature you want to add, let us know on the forums.
Every Redwood project ships with a default NotFoundPage
located in web/src/pages/NotFoundPage
But just because it's called NotFoundPage
doesn't mean the router knows that. The only way the router knows which page is the NotFoundPage
is via the notfound
prop, which tells the router what to render when no routes match:
import { Router, Route } from '@redwoodjs/router'
const Routes = () => (
<Route notfound page={NotFoundPage} />
export default Routes
Customizing the NotFoundPage
By default, the NotFoundPage
is a basic HTML page with internal styles:
export default () => (
// ... some custom css
<span>404 Page Not Found</span>
You're free to customize it however you like. You can change the markup and even use CSS or UI libraries to style it. Here's an example using Tailwind CSS. (See the setup ui CLI command to add it to your project.)
import { Link, routes } from '@redwoodjs/router'
export default () => (
<div className="bg-white min-h-full px-4 py-16 sm:px-6 sm:py-24 md:grid md:place-items-center lg:px-8">
<div className="max-w-max mx-auto">
<main className="sm:flex">
<p className="text-4xl font-extrabold text-red-600 sm:text-5xl">404</p>
<div className="sm:ml-6">
<div className="sm:border-l sm:border-gray-200 sm:pl-6">
<h1 className="text-4xl font-extrabold text-gray-900 tracking-tight sm:text-5xl">
Page not found
<p className="mt-1 text-base text-gray-500">
Check the URL in the address bar and please try again.
<div className="mt-10 flex space-x-3 sm:border-l sm:border-transparent sm:pl-6">
className="inline-flex items-center px-4 py-2 border border-transparent text-sm font-medium rounded-md shadow-sm text-white bg-red-600 hover:bg-red-700 focus:outline-none focus:ring-2 focus:ring-offset-2 focus:ring-red-500"
className="inline-flex items-center px-4 py-2 border border-transparent text-sm font-medium rounded-md text-red-700 bg-red-100 hover:bg-red-200 focus:outline-none focus:ring-2 focus:ring-offset-2 focus:ring-red-500"
Get Help
While the notfound
route can't be nested in a Set
like other routes, you can still wrap it in Layouts by importing them into the page:
import MainLayout from 'src/layouts/MainLayout/MainLayout'
export default () => (
<span>404 Page Not Found</span>
This means that the NotFoundPage
can use Redwood features like Cells or auth to construct navigation options or detailed header and footer content to help your users find their way back to the main application.