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Version: 6.0

Redwood File Structure

Let's take a look at the files and directories that were created for us (config files have been excluded for now):


Don't worry about trying to memorize this directory structure right now, it's just a brief overview to get you oriented. Seeing dozens of files before you've even written a single line of code can be daunting, but there's a great organizational structure here, promise. You can also ignore this all for now and we'll touch upon many of these files and directories as we go.

├── api
│ ├── db
│ │ └── schema.prisma
│ └── src
│ ├── directives
│ │ ├── requireAuth
│ │ └── skipAuth
│ ├── functions
│ │ └── graphql.js
│ ├── graphql
│ ├── lib
│ │ ├── auth.js
│ │ ├── db.js
│ │ └── logger.js
│ └── services

├── scripts
│ └── seed.js

└── web
├── public
│ ├── favicon.png
│ ├──
│ └── robots.txt
└── src
├── components
├── layouts
├── pages
│ ├── FatalErrorPage
│ │ └── FatalErrorPage.jsx
│ └── NotFoundPage
│ └── NotFoundPage.jsx
├── App.jsx
├── entry.client.jsx
├── index.css
├── index.html
└── Routes.jsx

At the top level we have three directories, api, scripts and web. Redwood separates the backend (api) and frontend (web) concerns into their own paths in the codebase. (Yarn refers to these as "workspaces". In Redwood, we refer to them as "sides.") When you add packages going forward you'll need to specify which workspace they should go in. For example (don't run these commands, we're just looking at the syntax):

yarn workspace web add marked
yarn workspace api add better-fs

scripts is meant to hold any Node scripts you may need to run from the command line that aren't directly related to the api or web sides. The file that's in there, seed.ts is used to populate your database with any data that needs to exist for your app to run at all (maybe an admin user or site configuration).

The /api Directory

Within api there are four directories:

  • db contains the plumbing for the database:

    • schema.prisma contains the database schema (tables and columns)

    After we add our first database table, there will also be a SQLite database file named dev.db and a directory called migrations created for us. migrations contains the files that act as snapshots of the database schema changing over time.

  • dist contains the compiled code for the api side and can be ignored when developing.

  • src contains all your backend code. api/src contains five more directories:

    • directives will contain GraphQL schema directives for controlling access to queries and transforming values.
    • functions will contain any lambda functions your app needs in addition to the graphql.ts file auto-generated by Redwood. This file is required to use the GraphQL API.
    • graphql contains your GraphQL schema written in a Schema Definition Language (the files will end in .sdl.ts).
    • lib contains a few files:auth.ts starts as a placeholder for adding auth functionality and has a couple of bare-bones functions in it to start, db.ts instantiates the Prisma database client so we can talk to a database and logger.ts which configures, well, logging. You can use this directory for other code related to the API side that doesn't really belong anywhere else.
    • services contains business logic related to your data. When you're querying or mutating data for GraphQL (known as resolvers), that code ends up here, but in a format that's reusable in other places in your application.
  • And finally types contains automatically compiled GraphQL types and can be ignored during development

That's it for the backend.

The /web Directory

  • public contains assets not used by React components (they will be copied over unmodified to the final app's root directory):

    • favicon.png is the icon that goes in a browser tab when your page is open (apps start with the RedwoodJS logo).
    • explains how, and when, to use the public folder for static assets. It also covers best practices for importing assets within components via Vite. You can also read this file on GitHub.
    • robots.txt can be used to control what web indexers are allowed to do.
  • src contains several subdirectories:

    • components contains your traditional React components as well as Redwood Cells (more about those soon).
    • layouts contain HTML/components that wrap your content and are shared across Pages.
    • pages contain components and are optionally wrapped inside Layouts and are the "landing page" for a given URL (a URL like /articles/hello-world will map to one page and /contact-us will map to another). There are two pages included in a new app:
      • NotFoundPage.{jsx,tsx} will be served when no other route is found (see Routes.{jsx,tsx} below).
      • FatalErrorPage.{jsx,tsx} will be rendered when there is an uncaught error that can't be recovered from and would otherwise cause our application to really blow up (normally rendering a blank page).
    • App.{jsx,tsx} the bootstrapping code to get our Redwood app up and running.
    • entry.client.{jsx,tsx} is the standard React starting point for our app.
    • index.css is a good starting place for custom CSS, but there are many options (we like TailwindCSS which, believe it or not, may not require you to write any custom CSS for the life of your app!)
    • index.html is what's first sent to a visitor's browser. It fetches entry.client.{jsx,tsx}.
    • Routes.{jsx,tsx} the route definitions for our app which map a URL to a Page.

We'll dip in and out of these directories and files (and create some new ones) as we work through the tutorial.