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Version: 6.0

Side Quest: How Redwood Works with Data

Redwood likes GraphQL. We think it's the API of the future. Our GraphQL implementation is built with Apollo (on the client) and GraphQL Yoga & Envelop (on the server). Remember in our file system layout, there was a directory api/src/functions and a single file in there, graphql.ts. If you were to deploy your app to a serverless stack (which we will do later in the Deployment section), that graphql.ts file would be compiled into a serverless function and would become the GraphQL API endpoint. Here's how a typical GraphQL query works its way through your app:

Redwood Data Flow

The front-end uses Apollo Client to create a GraphQL payload sent to GraphQL Yoga and Envelop, which that graphql.ts file acts as the entry-point to.

The *.sdl.ts files in api/src/graphql define the GraphQL Object, Query and Mutation types and thus the interface of your API.

Normally you would write a resolver map that contains all your resolvers and explains to your GraphQL server how to map them to your SDL. But putting business logic directly in the resolver map would result in a very big file and horrible reusability, so you'd be well advised to extract all the logic out into a library of functions, import them, and call them from the resolver map, remembering to pass all the arguments through. Ugh, that's a lot of effort and boilerplate, and still doesn't result in very good reusability.

Redwood has a better way! Remember the api/src/services directory? Redwood will automatically import and map resolvers from the corresponding services file onto your SDL. At the same time, it allows you to write those resolvers in a way that makes them easy to call as regular functions from other resolvers or services. That's a lot of awesomeness to contemplate, so let's show an example.

Consider the following SDL JavaScript snippet:

export const schema = gql`
type Post {
id: Int!
title: String!
body: String!
createdAt: DateTime!

type Query {
posts: [Post!]!
post(id: Int!): Post!

input CreatePostInput {
title: String!
body: String!

input UpdatePostInput {
title: String
body: String

type Mutation {
createPost(input: CreatePostInput!): Post! @requireAuth
updatePost(id: Int!, input: UpdatePostInput!): Post! @requireAuth
deletePost(id: Int!): Post! @requireAuth

In this example, Redwood will look in api/src/services/posts/posts.ts for the following five resolvers:

  • posts()
  • post({ id })
  • createPost({ input })
  • updatePost({ id, input })
  • deletePost({ id })

To implement these, simply export them from the services file. They will usually get your data from a database, but they can do anything you want, as long as they return the proper types that GraphQL Yoga expects based on what you defined in posts.sdl.ts.

import { db } from 'src/lib/db'

export const posts = () => {

export const post = ({ id }) => {
where: { id },

export const createPost = ({ input }) => {
data: input,

export const updatePost = ({ id, input }) => {
data: input,
where: { id },

export const deletePost = ({ id }) => {
where: { id },

Yoga/Envelop assumes these functions return promises, which db (an instance of PrismaClient) does. Yoga/Envelop waits for them to resolve before responding with your query results, so you don't need to worry about async/await or mess with callbacks yourself.

You may be wondering why we call these implementation files "services". While this example blog doesn't get complex enough to show it off, services are intended to be an abstraction above single database tables. For example, a more complex app may have a "billing" service that uses both a transactions table and a subscriptions table. Some of the functionality of this service may be exposed via GraphQL, but only as much as you like.

You don't have to make each function in your service available via GraphQL—leave it out of your Query and Mutation types and it won't exist as far as GraphQL is concerned. But you could still use it yourself—services are just JavaScript functions so you can use them anywhere you'd like:

  • From another service
  • In a custom lambda function
  • From a completely separate, custom API

By dividing your app into well-defined services and providing an API for those services (both for internal use and for GraphQL), you will naturally start to enforce separation of concerns and increases the maintainability of your codebase.

Back to our data flow: Yoga/Envelop has called the resolver which, in our case, retrieved data from the database. Yoga/Envelop digs into the object and returns only the key/values that were asked for in the GraphQL query. It then packages up the response in a GraphQL payload and returns it to the browser.

If you're using a Redwood cell then this data will be available to you in your Success component ready to be looped through and/or displayed like any other React component.