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Version: 6.0

Our First Story

Let's say that on our homepage we only want to show the first couple of sentences in our blog post as a short summary, and then you'll have to click through to see the full post.

First let's update the Article component to contain that functionality:

import { Link, routes } from '@redwoodjs/router'

const truncate = (text, length) => {
return text.substring(0, length) + '...'

const Article = ({ article, summary = false }) => {
return (
<article className="mt-10">
<h2 className="text-xl text-blue-700 font-semibold">
<Link to={routes.article({ id: })}>{article.title}</Link>
<div className="mt-2 text-gray-900 font-light">
{summary ? truncate(article.body, 100) : article.body}

export default Article

We'll pass an additional summary prop to the component to let it know if it should show just the summary or the whole thing. We default it to false to preserve the existing behavior—always showing the full body.

Now in the Storybook story let's create a summary story that uses the Article component the same way that generated does, but adds the new summary prop. We'll take the content of the sample post and put that in a constant that both stories will use. We'll also rename generated to full to make it clear what's different between the two:

import Article from './Article'

const ARTICLE = {
id: 1,
title: 'First Post',
body: `Neutra tacos hot chicken prism raw denim, put a bird on it enamel pin post-ironic vape cred DIY. Street art next level umami squid. Hammock hexagon glossier 8-bit banjo. Neutra la croix mixtape echo park four loko semiotics kitsch forage chambray. Semiotics salvia selfies jianbing hella shaman. Letterpress helvetica vaporware cronut, shaman butcher YOLO poke fixie hoodie gentrify woke heirloom.`,

export const full = () => {
return <Article article={ARTICLE} />

export const summary = () => {
return <Article article={ARTICLE} summary={true} />

export default { title: 'Components/Article' }

As soon as you save the change the stories Storybook should refresh and may show an error: there's no longer a "Generated" story to show! In the tree on the left, expand "Article" and the "Full" version should show right away. Click on "Summary" to see the difference:


Displaying the Summary

Great! Now to complete the picture let's use the summary in our home page display of blog posts. The actual Home page isn't what references the Article component though, that's in the ArticlesCell. We'll add the summary prop and then check the result in Storybook:

import Article from 'src/components/Article'

export const QUERY = gql`
query ArticlesQuery {
articles: posts {

export const Loading = () => <div>Loading...</div>

export const Empty = () => <div>Empty</div>

export const Failure = ({ error }) => <div>Error: {error.message}</div>

export const Success = ({ articles }) => {
return (
<div className="space-y-10">
{ => (
<Article article={article} key={} summary={true} />

Check out the story to see the new summary view:


And if you head to the real site you'll see the summary there as well:


We can double check that our original usage of Article (the one without the summary prop) in ArticleCell still renders the entire post, not just the truncated version:


Storybook makes it easy to create and modify your components in isolation and actually helps enforce a general best practice when building React applications: components should be self-contained and reusable by just changing the props that are sent in.